Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Baby, just what is it that you are waiting for? Are you just waiting for me to go away and let all this love I have for you die along with the rest of me? 
I don't understand. We vowed to be one heart beating as one. Teammates. Best friends, each other's better half, the one we want to grow old where are you now? Why, when we are supposed to be each other's support, are you once again not here with me when I need you? But you want me to believe you love me? How am I supposed to believe you when everytime I am at a low, you are not with me? You leave me to fend for myself and that isn't love or caring. 
As each day without you passes by, I don't believe that you truly love me and care about me. Love isn't only when things are convenient and easy or when you are stable and getting along. It's when things aren't working out the way we planned or when we are faced with obstacles, and we stick together and conquer those obstacles TOGETHER!
You make me sad. You make me angry. You make me feel alone in this world. You make me wonder if my love is given to someone that doesnt love me back. And then you make me feel hopeless because life without you isn't as beautiful as it once was. I miss you and love you always.
Your wifey